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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 1-Reference / Apple Literature Guide / TIFFS / M2230⁄A [1] (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-20  |  160KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: crt screen | earth | monitor | newspaper | sky | stairs | windowpane
OCR: Apple High- Resolution Monochrome Monitor .1*tN ....... "- --' r: Overview Features Benefits The Apple' High -Resolution 480 pixel resolurion Provic]es starp disply at text anl Monochrone Monitor offers graphics Macintosh corn1- belivers professional qualiry graphics puter owners the same high- Flat. 12-inch "FF'I' Lets ue: fu1 wilth and moe qualitv Macintosh display but than hait the length >F letter-size page r1ow with higher resolution on Provices un Hecurate representation of larger black-and- -white screen It inch page Because the 12-inch fat screen Analog input Iornat Pernits much wicer rarge gray displays the full wicth and nale than is possible with digital TTY) than half the length ol a letter-: -size page the Apple High- ....- ...-- Resolution Monitor is ideal for Anighire sc:cen ...